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PragICTS is well-positioned to capitalize on the growing demand for automation services, particularly within the IT sector. By leveraging automation technologies across ITOps and CloudOps, PragICTS can help its clients achieve numerous benefits.

By offering specialized services in automation, PragICTS can help its clients harness the full potential of these technologies to drive innovation, improve efficiency, and stay competitive in today's rapidly evolving business landscape.

Software Development

Software development and support services. Web (including websites), Mobile and Rich Client Applications.

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Implementation, management, and support of ICT Infrastructure. On-site, remote, hybrid, and on-call service models.

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Provisioning, management, and support of cloud platforms. Amazon, Microsoft, Google, and other third parties.

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Digital Outreach

Holistic and cohesive digital outreach services designed to expand the digital reach of IT to bring into fold areas and domains that have not been subjected to effective capitalization by deploying sensors, IoTs, various extensibility devices, and software.

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Comprehensive Cyber Security Operation Services for oraginzation of all scales.

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Why Automation

  • Increased Efficiency and Productivity

    Automation streamlines processes, reducing the time required for tasks. It operates consistently without fatigue or breaks, leading to higher productivity levels. Repetitive tasks can be completed swiftly, allowing human workers to focus on more complex and creative endeavors.

  • Cost Reduction

    By automating routine tasks, businesses can significantly cut down on operational costs. Automated systems can work 24/7 without additional pay, reducing labor expenses over time. Moreover, the decreased likelihood of errors minimizes expenses related to rework or corrections.

  • Enhanced Accuracy and Quality

    Automation reduces human error, leading to more precise and consistent outcomes. This is particularly crucial in industries like manufacturing and healthcare, where precision is paramount. Automated systems adhere strictly to predefined parameters, ensuring a higher quality of work.

  • Improved Safety

    In industries involving hazardous environments or risky tasks, automation plays a pivotal role in ensuring worker safety. Machines can handle dangerous jobs, mitigating the risk of workplace accidents and injuries.

  • Faster Decision Making

    Automation often includes data processing and analysis tools that can swiftly generate insights from vast amounts of information. This allows for faster decision-making, enabling businesses to adapt to changing market conditions more effectively.

  • Scalability

    Automated systems can easily scale up or down according to demand without significant reconfiguration. This scalability is particularly beneficial in industries experiencing fluctuating workloads.

  • Enhanced Customer Experience

    Automation can streamline customer service processes, providing quicker response times, personalized interactions, and consistent service quality. Chatbots and automated systems can handle routine queries, freeing up human agents to focus on more complex customer needs.

  • Innovaytion and Creativity

    By taking over repetitive tasks, automation frees up human workers to focus on innovation and creativity. This fosters a culture of innovation within organizations, leading to the development of new products, services, and solutions.

  • Environmental Impact

    Automated systems can be designed to optimize energy consumption and reduce waste, contributing to a more sustainable environment. By optimizing processes, businesses can decrease their carbon footprint.

  • Job Creation and Evolution

    While automation may replace certain jobs, it also creates new opportunities. It leads to the emergence of roles centered around managing, maintaining, and improving automated systems. Additionally, it often allows humans to focus on jobs that require emotional intelligence, critical thinking, and complex problem-solving—areas where machines currently struggle.


Technology Stack

  • puppet
  • chef
  • ansible
  • saltstack
  • jenkins
  • airflow
  • kubernetes
  • python
  • powershell
  • bash
  • nagios
  • zabbix
  • prometheus
  • gitlab
  • travis_ci
  • servicenow
  • ansible_tower

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